Arapahoe recently issued the following announcement.
Have backyard chickens? Please use the following resources for information regarding the current Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak.
Call your veterinarian if your flock shows signs of influenza or you suspect exposure.
No Vet? You can also call the CSU Avian Health Hotline 970-297-4008; CO State Vet Office 303-869-9130; USDA Bird Hotline 1-866-536-7593.
- Colorado Department of Agriculture—HPAI Info
- CSU Extension Small Acreage Management—HPAI Info
- CSU Extension HPAI flier (What to expect if you suspect)
- CSU Extension HPAI (fact sheet)
- Colorado Department of Agriculture 90 Day Emergency Order (and temporary suspension of all poultry events)