The City of Douglas is now accepting funding request applications from interested governmental and non-profit agencies within the City of Douglas, for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
Take advantage of free tax preparation assistance, how to resolve warrants during the Arlington Municipal Court Resolution Drive, plus enjoy Arlington’s first American Muslim Cultural celebration and more in this week’s Neighborhood Network News.
Arlington Parks and Recreation is “diving into” recruiting lifeguards for the summer with the goal of maximizing operating hours at all city aquatics facilities in summer 2023.
With a Winter Weather Advisory in effect for the City of Buffalo, City officials reminded City residents and visitors to take precautions this afternoon as a mix of snow, sleet, rain, and possibly ice moves into the area
Thanks to funds made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and administered by Tarrant County, Arlington Charities is taking a fresh approach to defeating hunger by rolling out a new “Mobile Market” truck, the first of its kind for Arlington’s largest hunger relief organization.